Friday, 31 December 2010

Self discipline is distinctly lacking...

But good intentions are here....

2010 was a year of out with the old in with the new, it seems.

I became a student again.
I spent 9 months of it travelling solo in S.E. Asia.
I realised I'm definitely not the girl I once was.
Some old friends fell by the wayside, only to be replaced by some new ones.
My infernal drifting from one job/country/obsession to the next seems to have lead somewhere after all.
I think I finally said goodbye to a major ratbag in my life...

Roll on 2011.

This year I'm going to take more care of my friends.
I'm going to suck up everything my Masters throws my direction.
I'm going to stop being passive agressive, but learn to be direct without pissing too many people off.
I'm going to manage my money better.
I'm going to get back into being healthy.
I'm going to stop being afraid to make something of my life.
I'm definitely going to recover some of the joy lost over the last few years.

and finally...

No musicians, actors, barmen or socialists.